Menelaos Raw Greek Spring Forest Honey: The bees of Menelaos make a beautiful honey with blossoms from the flowers of Sidr Trees, Acacia, Trefoil and many other herbs and flowers that grow in the forest clearings.
Where does the honey come from? To produce this honey the bees work in the forest in the area of Evros, Greece. This forest wilderness is a very important place for wildlife - with rare flowers and birdlife. Perfect for bees.
Who produces the honey? This honey is bought to you by beekeeper Menelaos. His aim is always to present to us the highest quality honey possible. For Menelaos beekeeping is an art and they produce amazing honey and happy bees.
Please know that raw honey does crystalise and this is a natural process that occurs mainly due to the natural glucose in raw honey. For more information on why honey sets visit this article and for a more scientific explanation go to wikipedia.
About Us - Here at The Raw Honey Shop we take honey very seriously and we believe honey should be RAW, unpasteurised and 100% natural. Since 2008 we've been introducing our customers to a whole new world of pure all natural unpasteurised raw honey. With a product catalogue consisting of over 30 different raw and organic honeys we have a variety to suit all tastes.
Thank you for visiting our shop and we look forward to introducing you to a world of raw, pure and truly wonderful natural honey, the way the bees would want it!
*Product photo is representative of this product. Honey colour and texture may vary depending on the season and level of crystalization. Please check the product title and description for accurate contents.*
- Reviews
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- honey
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- Caramelly
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- Spring Forest
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- sourdough toast
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Spring forest
Absolutely delicious. Caramelly and rich and less sweet
Exceptional honey
No Complaints at all - prompt delivery and perhaps thenbest Honey in the world.
Papa likey da honey
I like this honey alot, I have a spoonful before my daily gym session and I feel the strength of my ancestors surge through my veins.
A superb tasting honey
Tim sources his honey so well and takes great care to bring home the best of them. Beautiful tasting Spring Forest is a definite order again for me. I had a sore through recently and this honey really helped. Thanks Tim,again!
My go-to honey.
I have bought and tasted many supermarket honey brands but nothing beats these! There are Organic and tasty varieties to choose from! I am glad to have found this small company.
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