A great bucket of raw heather honey

Post by The Raw Honey Shop.

Why does raw honey set? Has it been adulterated with sugar? Has it gone off? And what can I do about it?

We get a lot of questions about why our honey sometimes sets.  Sometimes people think it is because it has been adulterated, sometimes they think i...

A message to you from Ramon and Begona - producers of raw & pure honey for the Raw Honey Shop

November 5th 2014, day four of my trip. I am in Spain at the moment visiting Ramon and Begona and later some of the other beekeepers we get honey ...

Some good news from the hives - and see Ramon put a honey comb covered in bees right into the van where I am sitting.

Look forward to some good raw Rosemary honey in May. I have just returned from seeing Ramon, the supplier of most of our raw honey. He seems very h...