The beautiful place where Rossend's Pyrenees Mountain comes from
by Claire Fisher August 18, 2020
When Rossend's bees wake in the morning, this is the fantastic view they have. They go about their daily work visiting the flowers that bloom here, at around 1,000 metres.
Here the bees navigate around Spring and early Summer flowers - such as European Rhododendron, Blackberry, Broom (which gives a malty tang to the honey) Rock Rose, Rosemary and Heather.
The overall effect of these flowers is to produce subtle honey, with many different notes.Not so strong as the dark mountain honeys but with a kind of subtlety that you don't find in the strong honeys.
Jesus, who works for Rossend, sent me these photos. Below, you see another view from the hives.
You can be sure that the bees don't come across any flowers that have been sprayed with pesticides, herbicides or fungicides - because this is a pure place virtually untouched by man.
Naturally, there’s a lot of talk about Manuka – but Manuka isn’t the only active honey type you can use as part of your armory to aid the fight against coughs and colds. You can also use dark tree honeys – which tend to be more effective against sore throats and coughs than lighter flower honeys. The Raw Honey Shop specialises in bioactive honeys from small scale artisan beekeepers, whose bees create potent honeys from trees growing on wild mountains and deep in ancient forests, far from human activity.
Three generations of beekeepers have produced Luisa's Wilderness Honey Gift Box - some of the most beautiful Organic honeys from Asturias, northern Spain. Olaya talks about their approach and their passion for working in a way that respects nature, producing honey that is raw, organic, and packed with life. Asturias, with its rugged mountains and thick forests, is perfectly suited to beekeeping. The family keep their hives high in the mountains, and each member plays their part.
Raw Organic Acacia Honey is a real Hungarian specialty, as there are more Acacia Forests in Hungary than the rest of Europe combined. It has a relatively low glycemic index, therefore it is more suited for those who can be sensitive to sugar for different reasons. This also means the honey stays in a pristine-looking, runny state for a long time, like a clear liquid gold.
This catalogue is packed with exceptional finds that we have discovered on our Raw Honey travels over the last year. The aim is to bring you some of the best honeys you'll ever taste including gift sets which are perfect for sharing the wonders of raw honey with family and friends.