May Raw Honey Stock Update 1 - with one of the most delicious honeys we've tasted

Learn here about one of the best honeys we've ever tasted - and a way to save around £1.80 a kilo on some of our most popular honeys.

When a delicious fruity sample of Plamen's Lime (also known as Linden) honey arrived early this year I knew I had to visit him. Everyone in The Raw Honey Shop team agreed it was one of the best honeys we'd ever tasted.

So on April 11th I set off on a mission to meet Plamen (and some other Bulgarian beekeepers). This involved a long car journey from the airport at Varna, eastern Bulgaria to the south of the country. The further south we went the smaller and smaller the roads became until we were driving along bumpy tracks

Arriving at Plamen's house was like stepping back in time. He lives with his family in a little stone and wood house in a meadow, faced by beehives.

You can see his wife Nadja, Lubo (who came along for the ride) and Plamen junior - along with me - in this photo.

However, as often happens with beekeepers at this time of year Plamen was out with the bees, without his phone. This was disappointing as I had little time before going on to visit another beekeeper - hopefully there will be another chance later soon.

Anyway, I got to meet Nadeja, his wife and son (also Plamen). They are also beekeepers.

They gave me samples of his delicious honeys, which come from various forest locations around the house- and I got to spend some time chatting with them via an interpreter.

And I got some photos.

You can see here 7 year old Lubo with Plamen Junior in front of the hives that face the house.

Look out for my full report in this blog - in a week or so.

Anyway, Plamen's Lime (and Acacia with honeycomb) arrived yesterday.

It is amazing. It's the kind of honey that 'sings' in your mouth, and the flavour doesn't fade.

Here's how our taste buds reacted to the Lime, when we did a taste test here at The Raw Honey Shop.
The lime is a very fruity-tasting variety with a clear taste of citrus. It is usually rare to get such a strong flavour in blossom honey as the flowers have a much lighter tasting nectar. It has a slight bitter edge, but balanced well with the sweet fruitiness, suitable for all of the family.

This has only just arrived and we haven't got a photo or product description yet on the web site - but you can buy some of the Lime here before we put it on general sale. It is runny currently, although this kind of honey sets quickly.

Also, there's some organic Acacia with a big chunk of honeycomb in each jar- which is here. (This doesn't have a full product description yet either.)

Other honeys below - including the way to save around £1.80 a kilo.

1) Thomas' raw Greek Heather honey has a dry, sweet aroma, reminiscent of the sandy, stony mountain tops where heather likes to grow. The flavour is lighter and sweeter than some other heather honeys, which can trend toward the bitter end of honey varieties. There is a good floral variety alongside the normal fruity flavours typical of heather honey. There are hints of beeswax and orange with slight mineral aftertaste. Please note that this honey is crystallised. If you don't like crystallised honey you can return it to liquid by placing it on a radiator or gently warming it in a bowl of warm water.

You can buy this raw Heather here.

2) Family Size Raw Antibacterial Honey Bundle - 20kg

Save more than £25.00 when you buy this bundle and receive a free jar of Mountain honey with super-antibacterial propolis!

Includes: 1 x 5kg Greek Pine honey, 1 x 5kg Chestnut honey, 5 x 1kg Heather honey, 5 x 1kg Organic Oak honey, and 1 x 270g Mountain honey with propolis

3) We recently had a delivery of Antonio's honey - which you can find here.

Within the selection is the Chestnut honey, the last dark honey he has until the Autumn. This is available here.

4) Ivan's raw Acacia & Wildflower honey is a mild, sweet honey, with a soft taste and hints of creamy vanilla and floral blossoms. This batch contains a larger proportion of wildflower nectar than previous acacia honeys, which has caused the honey to set. So it's perfect if you like set honey with a light flavour.

More on the flavour: This is a mild tasting tree blossom and wildflowers honey. It is a little like a soft vanilla and cream with the added floral scent of meadow flowers.

You can buy this raw Acacia & Wildflower here.

5) Want to make big savings? We stock many of our honeys in 5kg containers. On most of these you will save around £1.80 a kilo. For instance:

Pyrenees Mountain honey (save around £1.80 a kilo)

Raw Acacia (save around £1.80 a kilo)

Raw Forest (save around £1.80 a kilo)

Raw Pine (save around £1.74 a kilo)

Raw Mountain (save £1.85 a kilo)

You can see all these 5kg honeys here.

6) Want to make even bigger savings? If you really want to stock up - perhaps with a family/friends group - you can save a lot more by buying in the 20kg size. For instance, you can save £4.70 a kilo on the raw Forest from Luisa, when you buy in a 20kg bucket.

You can see the honeys we have in 20kg size here.

7) Finally, the full catalogue is here. And don't forget that 3 kilos plus gets free shipping.

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