2017 Annual Honey Survey Findings and Prize Winners

Here are details of the feedback received in our Annual Survey - and the winners of the prizes.

There was certainly a honey that divided customers like no other honey before. Love it or hate it. No middle ground. See the details below in our key findings .

Every year we survey customers to find which kinds of honey have touched the taste buds favourably. And those which left a less than favourable impression.

The survey gives customers a chance to give us some detailed feedback - helping us to plan which honey types to focus on in the coming year. And what we need to improve.

Here's a summary of the key findings

  • Oak was overwhelmingly the most popular honey. Nearly 25% of respondents listed it as their favourite honey.
  • Mountain, Chestnut and Forest were the next favourites.
  • The least mentioned honey in the favourites list was Almond
  • The most disliked honey was Arbutus, followed by Chestnut (both bitter honey types). But also Arbutus came high in the list of favourite honey types, as did Chestnut. So a marmite situation here.
  • Kinds of honey like Orange, Lemon and Lavender were in the middle of the list.
  • Most of you were very happy with customer service but there were a few situations where we mess up repeatedly - and we have noted this. For instance, where the wrong honey had been delivered. Also, this comment: You do occasionally get your description wrong, ie; is the honey "runny" or "set" came up a few times. (By the way we now do a check every two weeks on the state of the honey types, so this should be less of a problem in the future. )
  • Also, some were unhappy with the number of emails received. There are two links at the bottom of each email, one for completely opting out and the other for changing your preferences, e.g. to receive fewer emails. You can also email info@therawhoneyshop.com if you want us to opt you out.

There was a prize of 3 kilos of raw honey for the person who gave the most compelling reason for choosing their favourite honey.

In addition, we drew out the names of 2 people at random, from all the completed surveys, who each received a goodie bag containing a jar of Raw Manuka Honey, an organic propolis soap and a set of beeswax candles.

We were overwhelmed with the efforts people went to in outlining the reasons for choosing their favourite honey.

Many were extremely heartfelt and painted a picture of a time gone by and the role played by honey in family life.

It was extremely difficult to choose the winner but we finally settled on one from Camilo Queipo, who grew up in the Andes, because of the evocative picture he painted.

I was born in the Patagonian Andes and have been a honey lover since my Grandad gave me a piece of honeycomb straight from the hive of his bees. Eucalyptus was growing nearby, and gave this honey the most indescribable melody of flavours that I could not have imagined at that age, and it hadn’t been until I first tried your Eucalyptus honey that I experienced that flavour again. It reminded me of that moment, and the reason why I love honey so much. It can be so versatile. When it begins to crystallise there is an added sweetness and an extra zesty tang that I’ve not experienced with another honey. Even just looking at the universe of stars that appear inside the jar when it’s on the counter when I use it for whatever purpose I choose fills me with joy. Mixed with yogurt, used in a dressing for salad, added to tea, used in marinade for meat or fish, on buttered toast or just straight from the jar, it’s just perfect every time.

I have to say that there were many other submissions that were also extremely good and it was very very difficult to select a winner

If you didn't win three kilos of raw honey, then maybe next year you will be the winner!

I would like to mention a few other people who were close to winning.

Mrs Nyamaa said of the Oak:

First looks: dark, glossy, very tempting. Then taste: rich maltiness hits you first and you think, hmm? Then you get the sweetness, light and delicate, almost fruity but not sugary at all.

Zara wrote an essay on Eucalyptus honey. She is an absolute honey aficionado, who has done much research into the history of honey and different ways to use it - and taught us a few things.

Fiona wrote: Full of dark promise and a bitter sweet after taste that really does melt in the mouth

James said: Aroma: this honey has a lovely aroma. When I smell it, it gives off this sense of purity and what I’m about to eat is something special.

Abdul wrote: Raw spring mountain honey has got a special smell, you can smell the bees that products the honey without a doubt. The raw spring mountain taste in my mouth made me feel as if it has just come from the bee hive.

The two winners of the goody bags, who were drawn out at random were Dawn Aston and Omer Lateef.

Thank you to everyone who took part. And if you didn't take part this year then please consider doing so next year.

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